Cue Freakout...
It felt just like the early days of feeling Max move. I've counted back though and for me to be pregnant {which is incredibly unlikely} I could only be 10 weeks at the most. Far to early to feel a baby moving.
I'm sure it was just gas... Gas feels just like a baby moving, right? Right?
In my mind I am completely sure it was just gas {but I'm still freaking out a little bit}.
You recently commented that you cried a lot that day and it reminded you of pregnancy, may be its time for a test mama.
I hope you get the result that your heart desires.
x Cat
Thanks Cat, I only wish I knew what it is that I desire xx
It could just be phantom kicks, I had them a lot after having Declan, and had my first one post-Robyn just a couple of nights ago.
I think you're right Fern, I tested and it was a big fat negative...
I'm so glad to hear from you, I have been missing you like crazy. I hope you're doing well and enjoying some time with your Mum xxoo
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