Yep, that's right. It has been one year today. I have been so focused on all of the natural disasters that our country is throwing at us that I almost didn't notice.
I have been quite slack with my blogging lately, but I really do love having a place that I can share how I am feeling, what's happening in my life and all of the things that are grabbing my attention at any particular moment. I plan on making this year's blogging a little bit more regular than last years!
Here's a quick recap of My (not so) Perfect Life's existence.
February 2008 of course saw the
birth of my blog. I also celebrated
Valentine's Day with a less than romantic fiance, made cute labels for my
kitchen jars,
promised to get married and drooled over a cake that my
Sister found on Martha Stewart.
In March I only blogged once, but it was a very a very special post because I showed off my newly purchased
bridesmaid's dresses and spilled the details on my 'dates' with the Big Man.
I didn't blog at all in April or May...... I will make up for it this year, I promise!!
I got myself into gear in June and started the month by posting pictures of my
muddy puppy and the ribbon caddy that I decorated. The rest of the month was punctuated with highs and lows, we had a trip to
Heron Island planned,
Little Miss Ava was flown down to the intensive care unit at the Royal Brisbane and my Mother-in-law and I went to
Mt Buller, but it
didn't snow.
July was my best blogging month of the year, with a whopping 13 posts! I realised that starting a weight loss blog had more
hurdles that I first thought, I
gave my blog a make-over, thought about
started a diet, opened up and admitted to a
serious weight problem as well as my battle with depression, posted an update on our
home, dedicated an entire post to
wedding preparations, wondered if getting
pregnant before my wedding would be a good idea, posted
a cute photo of Cooper feeling the cold and posted another
cute photo of Cooper being a baby.
August was a month full of positives. I wrote
my first Smily Saturday post and we finally moved into our
new home. I also managed to buy
more shoes that I needed for my wedding and wrote about the
adorable things that my neice says.
In September
the Big Man and I got married!! This meant that there really wasn't much time for blogging... I did get a chance to write about two very special birthdays though.
October was a great month for the Big Man and I. We went on our
honeymoon, enjoyed spending time in
our new home and
wondered if Cooper would ever learn.
Not much happened on my blog in November because we still didn't have the internet at home, but I did
make the most of the web whilst I was in Hervey Bay and then
posted a quick update on what we had been up to during the month.
We got our internet back in December and I started to post a bit more regularly. Some of the highlights were, a fun
personality based gift guide, more
cute Cooper photos, a smiley Saturday post about
lazy Saturdays, my finished
Christmas cards, I did
my first meme (fittingly it was all about firsts!), even more cute photos of
Cooper dressed up in Christmas gear and snapshots of my very,
very messy kitchen.
In January I did the obligatory
New Year's resolution post and also did the
Top 100 Aussie Things meme.
Looking back, I feel like I had a great year. Here's to 2009!
xxoo T